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Tips for a successful poster layout:

  • Poster boards are provided and are either 40” x 32” or 48” x 36” in size.
  • Use PowerPoint as an easy tool to design your poster. You can choose from many templates and layouts.
  • Choose a font that is easy to read from 5-7 feet away.
  • Print the poster in color. Don’t overdo the color and avoid extremely bright colors, which make the text difficult to read.
  • Label each section of the poster (e.g., Abstract, Introduction, Procedure, Results, Discussion, References).
  • The content in each section should be concise and clear.
  • Graphs should be large enough and the axes clearly labeled.
  • The title should be interesting: large enough to read from a distance and compelling to attract interest.
  • Summarize important results of your work and explain why the work is important.
  • The flow of information in the poster should be clear, concise and organized. Organize information from top to bottom and from left to right.
  • Leave some space on the poster. Do not occupy every inch of space on the poster with information.
  • Proofread your poster. Eliminate typos and grammatical errors.
  • Make the poster visually interesting. Pictures enhance and help tell the story of your work.
  • Mount each PowerPoint slide on colored paper for added visual impact.
  • Be able to summarize your poster in 3 to 4 minutes.
  • Do not read the poster to the audience.
  • Give your audience time to look at and read your poster.
  • Do not stand directly in front of the poster.
  • Consider the questions your audience may ask, and answer in your summary.