CLEAR (College Learning Experiences, Activities and Resources) offers special events each June to complement its academic-year program.
Summer Life Lab
Tuesdays and Thursdays | June 4-20 | 9-11:30 a.m.
Life Lab is an independent living skills-based summer program for CLEAR Expansion students. Each day, students will receive instruction on a new life skills topic.
The fee for Life Lab is $20.
Life Lab enrollment is limited to the first 60 paid enrollments received, and must be received by May 21.
Please see the Summer Life Lab brochure to complete the enrollment form.
Summer Life Lab brochure (PDF)
Summer Saturday
Join us for fun at the CLEAR Summer Olympics! Play games based on the summer Olympic events, earn your own medals, and watch highlights from Olympics past with your friends. Open to all CLEAR participants, Expansion and Saturdays.
Sat., June 8 | 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. | RC 101