Location or Building Code |
Description |
JCCC PD JCCC Police Department |
- Vehicle 111 (F-150 pickup)
- Vehicle 112 (Explorer)
- Vehicle 113 (Explorer)
- Vehicle 114 (Explorer)
- Vehicle 119 (Explorer)
- Police Department MTC 115 - Outside of dispatch
ACB Athletic Complex Building |
- On east wall next to sink
- Ballfield AED #1 - (stored overnight in outdoor training room)
- Ballfield AED #2 - (stored overnight in outdoor training room)
- Ballfield AED #3 - (stored overnight in outdoor training room)
CLB Classroom Laboratory Building |
- First Floor - near restrooms
- Second Floor - near restrooms
COM Commons |
- First Floor - Dining seating area 152 (northeast wall)
- Second Floor - wall at top of stairs, outside COM 200 and 201
- Third Floor - across the hall from COM 309 in the main walkway
CSB Campus Services Building |
- Middle Hallway - bottom of stairs
CTEC Career and Technical Education Building |
- (south) First Floor - outside Room 137
- (north) First Floor - by the restrooms
- (south) Second Floor - outside Room 229
FADS Fine Arts and Design Studios |
- First Floor - central hallway outside of restrooms near elevator
- Second Floor - central hallway outside of restrooms near elevator
GEB General Education Building |
- First Floor - left of men's restroom
GP Galileo's Pavilion |
- West Corridor Wall outside GP 101 (cabinet alarm through dispatch)
GYM Gymnasium |
- Main Lobby First Floor - outside gymnasium
- Gym Fitness Center First Floor
- Gym Training Room Lower Level - Training Room 017 closet (mobile unit #1)
- Gym Training Room Lower Level - Training Room 017 closet (mobile unit #2)
- Gym Fieldhouse Lower Level - on wall across from reception desk
HCDC Hiersteiner Child Development Center |
HSC Horticultural Science Center |
- Main Lobby - by women's restroom
ITC Industrial Training Center |
- Center Building Entrance - main hallway
- BNSF side - across from Room 123L
LIB Billington Library |
- First Floor - on wall by women's restroom
- Second Floor - lounge area outside 2nd floor LIB/adjacent to LIB 227
MTC Midwest Trust Center |
- Main Lobby - outside Virginia Krebs Community Room (MTC 107)
- Theater - Backstage by office MTC 191
- Police Department - Outside of dispatch, MTC 115
NMOCA Nerman Museum of Contemporary Art |
- Prep room by overhead dock door
OCB Office and Classroom Building |
- First Floor - east hallway just outside restrooms
PA Police Academy |
- Storage - PA 118 (in FA kit in storage area)
- Hallway - by PA 127
PAL Plumbing & Automotive Lab Building |
RC Regnier Center |
- First Floor - men's restroom entry, across from RC 140
- Third Floor - men’s restroom entry, across from RC 340
SC Student Center |
- First Floor - Across from the Student Engagement Desk
- Second Floor - at base of staircase
SCI Science Building |
- First Floor - hallway by SCI 115
- Second Floor - main hallway outside SCI 209
- Second Floor - Dental Hygiene Clinic Room 201E
WCMT Welding, Construction, Machining Technology |
- West entry, outside of Room 103
- Outside of Room 178
WH Warehouse Building |
- Across from Post Office entry door
WHCA Wylie Hospitality and Culinary Academy |
- Main hallway across from restrooms
WLB Welding Lab Building |
- Welding Lab Building 150, in office area
- Welding Lab Building 152, in office area
- Thermite Lab 156, middle of building by First Aid Kit
Off-campus locations
CDLR Commercial Driver's License Range |
- Outside bathrooms by water fountains
LPC Lawrence Peaslee Center |
- Lobby/snack area next to water fountain
OHEC Olathe Health Education Center |
- First Floor - south wall directly across from main office, Room 121
- Second Floor - top of center stairwell
WPK West Park |