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Keep track of all the important dates for the Hiersteiner Child Development Center.



1-2 HCDC Closed: Staff Training and Professional Development
2 Classroom Orientation
• 2 p.m. Preschool
• 3:30 p.m. Toddler

5-23 Optional Care for Fall Enrolled Families Only*
26 Start of Regular Fall Semester and JCCC Fall Courses


2 HCDC Closed: Labor Day


8 5:30-6:30 p.m., Family Event: Cider & Sunset at JCCC Open Petal Farm
Optional Care Registration Opens for Dec. 16- 23 and Jan. 3-17.
Parenting Series: Virtual on Thursday evenings, Oct. 3, 10, 17, 24, 31; more details later!
Parent-Teacher Conferences Oct. 7-Nov. 1


1 Registration Closes for Winter Optional Care at 5:30 p.m.
27-29 HCDC Closed: Thanksgiving Break (W-F)


13 Last Day of Fall Semester and Regular Care
16-22 Optional Care*
23-31 HCDC Closed: Winter Break



1 HCDC Closed: New Year’s Day
2 HCDC Closed: Professional Development Day for Staff
3-17 Optional Care*
20 HCDC Closed: MLK Day
21 Start of Regular Spring Semester and JCCC Spring Courses


3 Optional Care Registration Opens for March 17-21 and May 19-30
7 Registration Closes for Spring Optional Care at 5:30 p.m.
17-21 Scholastic Book Fair


17-21 Optional Care* (JCCC Spring Break)


22 2025-26 Re-Enrollment Opens
26 2025-26 Re-Enrollment Closes at 5:30 p.m.
Parent-Teacher Conferences Mar. 31-Apr. 25


16 Last Day of Spring Semester and Regular Care
19-30 Optional Care*
26 HCDC Closed: Memorial Day


2 Start of Regular Summer Semester and JCCC Summer Courses
19 HCDC Closed: Juneteenth Holiday


4 HCDC Closed: 4th of July


Last Day of Summer Semester and Regular Care
4-8 HCDC Closed: Staff Training and Professional Development

*Note: Enrollment periods designated “Optional Enrollment” are not included in the annual contract period(s). There are designated time periods of application for enrollment for each optional enrollment period. Applications submitted after the deadline will be placed on a waiting list for possible availability and are subject to a $25 late fee. Each Optional Care Period is a separate week of tuition. If you do not register your child, you are not charged, but your child CANNOT attend. If you register your child, you will be charged for each corresponding week you select. Tuition is based on optional care reserved, not on actual attendance for those weeks.