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Auxiliary Services Policy 220.00
Johnson County Community College
Series: 200 Administrative Services
Section: Income and Investments

Applicability: This Policy applies to all Johnson County Community College (“JCCC” or the “College”) departments and operations.

Purpose: The purpose of this Policy is to describe the role of JCCC’s Auxiliary Services.


Auxiliary Services, including but not limited to, food, childcare, conference services and facility rentals, bookstore, and other similar services (“Auxiliary Services”), shall be a part of the College’s effort to provide facilities, services, and activities for the educational and personal development of JCCC students. Auxiliary Services may also be made available to College personnel and community members.

It is the intention of the College to offer these services to support the mission of the College and to provide services needed by the campus community. It is not the intention of the College to compete with or detract from merchants offering such services to the general community.

Date of Adoption: 07/07/1994
Revised: 12/15/2016, 07/21/2022