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Instructors have provided the following information to generally describe what to expect in their classes.


Class Format

I instruct Face-to-Face sections, as well as one Online section.

Resource Use

We will frequently use online software D2L.  Students will also submit assignments and need to be familiar with Microsoft Office or other word processing programs to submit assignments electronically.

The textbook is used as a resource and it is expected that the material be read before the lecture


My cumulative formative assessments (CFA’s) will include students demonstrating their knowledge in a variety of ways, including written assessments in the form of essay-style writing, short-answer assessments and quizzes. The students will also show an understanding and depth of knowledge in all facets of the course.

Homework Policy

Homework will be assigned throughout the course; it could be discussion boards, writing short essays or doing research projects.

Attendance Policy

Absences that occur due to students participating in official college activities are excused except in those cases where outside bodies, such as the State Board of Nursing, have requirements for minimum class minutes for each student. Students who are excused will be given reasonable opportunity to make up any missed work or receive substitute assignments from the instructor and should not be penalized for the absence. Proper procedure should be followed in notifying faculty in advance of the student’s planned participation in the event. Ultimately it is the student’s responsibility to notify the instructor in advance of the planned absence.

If a student misses 3 or more classes (unexcused) this will result in the drop of one letter grade for the course. If the student is present for all classes this will result in a 10 point bonus for the class.


I am available via email and will respond within 24 hours. I also make time 15 minutes before classes start on teaching evenings, and am available by appointment.