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Our Advisory Committees provide expert advice on a variety of issues to ensure that students earning degrees or certificates from JCCC are prepared to enter the workforce and become immediately productive.

Julie Boge
Blue Valley CAPS
Instructor, Foundations of Medicine

Jodi Busch
Commerce Healthcare
Vice President, National Healthcare Executive

Amanda Kristek Cavner
Oklahoma State Department of Health
Statistical Research Specialist

Brandi Finocchario
Swope Health
Chief Strategy Officer

Scott Frazee
Vice President of Sales

Kim Fuller
Independent Health
IT Consultant

April Henry
Kansas Board of Regents
Director for Workforce Development

Sharon Korzdorfer
Saint Luke’s Health System
Director, Health Information Management

Kyle McAllister

Laura McCrary
Konza National Network
Executive Director

Sean Roberts
The University of Kansas Health System
Chief Technology Officer

Jonathan Smith
Lawrence-Douglas County Public Health
Executive Director

Joshua Tyson
Clariti Solutions
Vice President, Client Services