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Tanya Kelley
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Teaching Style

Learning another language is at once a practical skill and a tool for access to other worlds and perceptions. Dr. Kelley teaches German in an immersive classroom setting to facilitate students' comprehension and production. Class time is spent on communicative activities, speaking and listening comprehension, target language used most of class. Students required to read grammar rules as homework.

Grade Components

  • Homework - daily online and/or written
  • Oral presentation
  • Written assignments
  • Chapter quizzes
  • Midterm and final exam
  • Attendance and class participation

Karl Magnuson

Teaching style

Class time is focused on speaking and listening, reading and writing, communicative activities, and grammar. Target language is used as much as possible (50%-90% of class, depending on level and particular unit.)

Grade components

• Attendance and class participation - 20%
• Homework - 1 0 %
• Chapter quizzes - 30%
• Midterm and final exams (written and spoken) - 40%

Tests and quizzes

Lowest quiz grade dropped. Make up tests allowed only if extenuating circumstances.

Background and Other Interests

I was an exchange student in Germany on three occasions. Studied two years at German universities. Lived and worked in Germany. I am interested in modern European languages, literature, linguistics, philosophy, and history.

Please contact me with any questions.