Experience the quality and engagement of JCCC Workforce Development & Continuing Education with ED Talks — FREE instructor-led online courses that focus on professional and personal topics.
Just Like CE Courses, ED Talks Cover a Variety of Subjects
Subject matter experts teach our ED Talks. These instructors bring expertise in both professional and personal topics — from business tips to travel to history and everything in between. Continue or renew your love for learning with ED Talks!
Our Most Popular ED Talks
Watch ED Talks by Topic
- In Praise of Pants - Tips for Remote Working
- Managing the Unexpected Where Did the Time Go?
- Improve Productivity Through Time Management & Organization Ask HR. Tips and Advice from an HR
- Professional Welcome to Whoville - How Well do You Know Your Who in Marketing & Communications
- Business Survival Post-COVID
- The Good Side of Conflict
- Critical Thinking
- Project Management
- Aiki Breakthrough Change Method
- You Can Pay Now or Pay Later: Making the Case for Leadership Development
- Hay Hauler's Guide
- Let's Get Motivated! - It's Not What You Think
- How Any Organization Can Grow Using the World's Master Business Model
- Exposing the Imposter (Syndrome)
- 3 Tools You Can Use Right Now for Managing Conflict!
- Kansas City's Lost Restaurants Building a Cultural Heritage
- Algal Growth and Nutrient Overload in Urban Lakes
- Dark Egypt Negative Connotations of Egypt in 19th Century America
- Helping the Poor in the 19th Century While Fighting for Immigrants
- Wayward Sons: The Babu's Search for Self Outside of Tradition
- Understanding Health Nutrition and Food Literacy
- Keep Calm and Breathe On: Everything to know about N95 Respirators
- Taking Care of Mental Health in a Global Pandemic
- Trauma Informed Communities
- Cancer Support for the Whole Family, the Whole Time
- Lost Your Health Insurance? Cobra vs The Marketplace
- Managing Stress with Nutrition
- Keys to Healthy Aging - How to Stay Mentally Strong Despite Setbacks
- Juice and Lies: The Hidden Truth about Premium Orange Juice
- Food and Drink
- Sensitive Communication in Healthcare
- Busted! Debunking False Nutrition Claims and Diet Myths
- Self-Care: Bigger Than Thyself
- The Psychology on Getting Back on Track From the Pandemic
- Health Insurance is Easy
- Personality Quirks Though the Lens of the Enneagram
- I Think I Can: Freeing Yourself from Limiting Beliefs
- Women Mood and Hormones: A Psychotherapist Perspective
- Simple Habits for Healthy Eating and Lifelong Health
- Healthy Spirituality-What to Look for When Re-entering a Faith Community
- A Pain in the Neck: Setting up an Ergonomic Work-station
- Where is Emotion Built and How to Manage it Without Losing Your Mind
- The Impact of Forgiveness on Your Mental Health
JCCC CE Covers a Variety of Subjects With Live Online and Self-Paced Options
With hundreds of courses in a variety of formats in just about every subject area, JCCC Continuing Education can help you gain a new skill, pivot your career or just learn something new. You’re sure to find a course that meets your needs or piques your interests.