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- Daniel Martinez
Instructors have provided the following information to generally describe what to expect in their classes.
Class Format
Face-to-face sections:
Lectures are moderately-paced. Emphasis is placed on conceptual understanding of physics concepts and theses concepts are reinforced with detailed examples, applications, and labs. Student participation is strongly encouraged.
Resource Use
See the JCCC bookstore for current textbooks. The textbook is essential to supplement the lecture and provide problems that are assigned as homework. A Student Solution Manual is also available but is not required.
A scientific calculator is mandatory! Recommended calculators are any of the TI series (TI-82 or above).
Computer Software:
The computer program Graphical Analysis, when needed, is available in the physics lab rooms, the Science Resource Center (CLB 112A), and other computers on campus.
Approximately 15 labs and 6 exams are given throughout the semester. The labs account for 30% of the student’s grade while the exams account for the remaining 70%. The typical grading scale is: 90% = A, 80% = B, 70% = C, 60% = D.
Homework Policy
Homework is assigned throughout the semester but is not collected. However, it is crucial that students complete as many of the assigned problems as possible to successfully complete the course.
Attendance Policy
Excessive unexcused absences will result in an F for the course. The number of absences will be specified in the course syllabus.
Office hours are held throughout the week and will be specified in the course syllabus.