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- Victor Meledge-Ade
Instructors have provided the following information to generally describe what to expect in their classes.
Class Format
Face-to-face sections
Hybrid sections
Online sections
Resource Use
Online homework
The class will consist of lectures and video presentations, participation in the discussion, textbook readings, assignments and exams. Your final grade will be determined by the percentage of the total possible points earned on exams, homework assignments, weekly activities and discussion participation by students.
Homework Policy
LATE ASSIGNMENTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED: All assignments must be typed unless done during class time. Do not send me any assignment as an email attachment.
Make-up exams are given only for exceptional reasons. It will have to be a serious emergency situation that occurs, and even then, after much proof, it will still be at my discretion. It shall be the student's responsibility to contact the instructor as soon as possible in the case of such PROLONGED emergency, to arrange an alternative. Missing a test without notifying the instructor WILL result in a grade of zero (0) points, no exceptions.
Final Exams must be taken on the day determined by the college (no exceptions!).
Attendance Policy
Attendance is taken daily either at the beginning or at the end of the class period. Students with poor attendance habits may be dropped from the course. Any student who comes in the room after attendance has been taken will be considered tardy. *Poor attendance habits (absenteeism and tardiness) will not be tolerated You will be given 20 points for attendance and two points will be deducted from the attendance point total for each absence or late arrival (tardy) to class.
By appointment.
Office Location OCB 362
Call: 913-469-4444 Ext: 5928/ Longview Office: 816-604-2698
I will respond within 48 hours, Monday through Friday, to student emails concerning course content, learning activities, and private matters appropriate for discussion within the teacher-student relationship.