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- Christie Anderson
Instructors have provided the following information to generally describe what to expect in their classes.
Class Format
Face-to-face sections are typically lectures and are based on material from the textbook, current events, and other practical applications. Basic lecture outlines are available in PDF format, as well as other links used in class, on Desire2Learn. There are generally two to four in-class assignments, which can be completed as a group or individually and are due at the end of class.
Online sections are heavily reliant on the textbook. Online videos and other material is used to engage learners and offer a variety of instructional methods.
Resource Use
Textbooks are required for both delivery formats and are a vital supplement to the lecture. Students should read the text thoroughly and be prepared to discuss the information in class or online. In face-to-face sections, students can expect at least 5% of individual homework questions to come from the text. For online sections, a minimum of 40% of homework questions comes from the text.
Atlases are an integral part of the course and are required. Students in face-to-face sections can expect to use their atlas for in-class assignments and be the basis for the remainder of individual homework questions. For students in online sections, the atlas will be relied on for the balance of homework questions.
Students are assessed based on a points system. A typical semester for face-to-face sections would include:
- 75 points for attendance in the form of Discussion Board posts or 5 points per week,
- 325 points for homework: 13 assignments worth 25 points each,
- 100 points for two assigned papers: 2 papers worth 50 points each,
- 400 points for Unit Exams: 4 exams worth 100 points each, and
- 100 points for the cumulative Final Exam.
A typical semester for online sections would include:
- 75 points for attendance in the form of Discussion Board posts or 5 points per week,
- 100 points for two assigned papers: 2 papers worth 50 points each,
- 335 points for homework: 15 assignments worth 13-23 points each,
- 350 points for Unit Exams: 7 Exams worth 50 points each, and
- 140 points for the cumulative Final Exam.
Homework Policy
All homework assigned in class must be completed and turned in that day; it may not be made up or taken home. Late homework is generally not accepted unless arrangements are made prior to the due date.
Attendance Policy
Consistent attendance is important to maintain a higher grade in this course. Students are expected to arrive on time and stay for the entire class. Make-up exams are not allowed without a note from a doctor, instructor or coach, or prior notification to the instructor.
For face-to-face sections, I am generally available before and after class. During the week, email responses will normally occur within 24 hours. Email responses on the weekend will generally take up to 48 hours.