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Instructors have provided the following information to generally describe what to expect in their classes.


Teaching style
Emphasis on communication using a combination of brief grammar explanations, interactive practice, group, and paired activities. Development of speaking and listening skills is the focus of classroom activities.

Homework, participation and attendance
Homework: 20%. Two daily hours of vocabulary and grammar practice at home.
Participation and Attendance: 10%.
You can miss three classes. No attendance/participation points for late arrival or early leave.

Must have access to a fast Internet connection and a reliable computer to complete homework and tests.

Tests, quizzes, and final exam
Quizzes and tests are 70% of grade. Multiple quizzes and tests; lowest grades are dropped; no make-ups allowed regardless of reason. Extra credit points are available.

Background and other interests
Lived and studied in Argentina and Peru. Have led study abroad trips to Argentina, Peru, and Cuba. JCCC professor since 1999.