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- Susan Scholtz
Instructors have provided the following information to generally describe what to expect in their classes.
Class format
CHEM 122 consists of a traditional lecture/lab format. Face-to-face sections are typically moderately paced, whole group sessions with an emphasis on conceptual understanding. Active participation is encouraged through in-class examples, discussion and group activities.
Resource use
Textbooks are essential as they both complement the lecture and provide practice problems. Graded homework assignments may include some textbook exercises.
Evaluation of course mastery is typically accomplished using five unit exams, a cumulative final and homework assignments. For sections including a laboratory, reports and laboratory tests will also be used to evaluate student performance.
Homework policy
Homework will be assigned at regular intervals. Due to fairness considerations, late homework will NOT be accepted.
Attendance policy
Attendance is highly recommended for lecture, as poor attendance correlates with poor class performance. Students are expected to attend labs as scheduled in the section for which they are registered.
Office hours are available by appointment.