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Instructors have provided the following information to generally describe what to expect in their classes.


Class format

For all of my courses (F2F, hybrid and online), lectures are provided online (audio and video component). The lectures cover provided note packets. When the lectures are played, you hear my voice and see me completing the note packet.

For F2F sections, lectures are provided as a supplement and sometimes can be required viewing prior to a class meeting. F2F students can expect lecture intermingled with problem solving breaks. On problem solving breaks, I will wander around the classroom and look over student’s shoulders to assist them with any difficulty they encounter.

Resource use

The textbook will be used often especially for homework problems. A calculator (non-graphing) is recommended for all chemistry classes that I teach.


Quizzes and homework account for about 10 to 15% of course grades. Quizzes are often based on homework. 3 – 6 exams are given throughout the semester accounting for 50 – 70% of your course grade. Some courses require discussion posts and projects. All courses have a cumulative final and offer the chance at replacing the lowest exam grade with a portion of your final.

Homework policy

Homework is assigned for all courses. It is not collected, but will be covered on a quiz or possibly an exam.

Attendance policy

All courses with a lab have a mandatory attendance policy. If an absence is anticipated, it is best to discuss this prior to your absence with your instructor to ensure making up the missed laboratory. Exams can be taken early, but not late if the exam date will be missed.


I am available during posted office hours or by appointment outside of those hours. Email is welcomed and responded to within 24 business hours.