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Instructors have provided the following information to generally describe what to expect in their classes.


Class format

Face-to-face sections are taught through a traditional classroom lecture format. Class time will be used to cover relevant concepts, demonstrations, and exams.

Hybrid sections are primarily delivered online. We meet face-to-face one hour immediately prior to the scheduled lab time. The hour in class is for answering questions, supplemental practice, quizzes, and exams. Lab follows immediately after class time and is used for experiments that correspond to the information being covered in lectures.

The lectures are delivered via online lectures. You will receive a lecture packet that matches exactly with the images you see on your computer screen. You will see my handwritten notes appear and hear my voice through the online lectures. Students really like being able to pause, rewind, and watch lectures again. For a few examples of online lectures that are similar to how I present the information, visit There are several chemistry lectures available for free. The major difference between my lectures and those on are that he presents lectures on a "blackboard" whereas I present mine with the lecture packet image on the screen.

Resource use

Required resources include the lab manual and supplemental practice problem (aka “The Pink Book”). These manuals must be purchased at the JCCC Bookstore. Please check with the bookstore for any additional required materials, which may include the lecture packets and textbook. However, I am working toward making the textbook optional.

Online homework… traditionally I have not required or bundled the textbook with any online homework. I do not anticipate requiring online homework anytime soon. Please check with the bookstore for a complete list of required items.


CHEM 122 consists of the following assignments and approximate percentage weights:

5 hourly unit exams »50%

Quizzes (combined in class and online) »5%

Weekly Lab Reports »10%

2 Lab Exams »10%

1 Project »5%

Final Exam (cumulative) »20%

Homework policy

I do not assign and collect homework for a grade. However, you will sometimes have required online quizzes/assignments through D2L. The class requires a major time commitment and a considerable amount of practice. You will receive several recommended sources of practice problems, handouts, and answer keys. It is your responsibility to complete as much of the recommended practice as you need in order to achieve your desired level of success. It is also your responsibility to communicate with me when you are struggling and need assistance.

Attendance policy

Points are neither awarded nor deducted for attendance. You are responsible for covering the missed lecture information by watching online lectures available in Desire 2 Learn (D2L). For missed labs, you will have the opportunity to make up the missed lab in another section if time and availability permits.


I hold five office hours every week. You are welcome to attend any office hour throughout the week. I serve students on a first come first served basis. In the event your schedule does not allow you to attend my scheduled office hours, I will work with you to find a time we can meet.