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- Eric Elisabeth
Instructors have provided the following information to generally describe what to expect in their classes.
Class format
Face-to-face sections
There are two parts of this class:
- Once a week students complete experiments related to concepts covered in the lecture in the laboratory.
- The other part of the class is the lecture sessions—two hours, twice a week for Chem 122. During a typical class, I will spend half of the class time commenting on PowerPoint slides. Then students work on problems to check if they understand the concepts discussed. The PowerPoint slides are posted online, giving students a chance to print them and bring them to class.
Hybrid sections
PowerPoint slides and videos are posted online with a weekly schedule. Students are expected to come to class well prepared, having read the slides and watched the videos, and completed homework. The class meets face-to-face once a week for three hours. The first part is used to answer students’ questions and to take a weekly quiz. The additional class time is used for laboratory work. Students need to be highly motivated and well organized to be successful in the hybrid classes. Exams are taken at the Testing Center
Resource use
Textbooks: Although I do not use the textbook heavily during lecture, I encourage students to read the text before attending lecture. From time to time during lecture, I comment on graphs or figures from the book, which I also include in the PowerPoint presentation. In addition, students find that the textbook is a good source for practice problems.
Practice Materials for Chem 122: These sets of problems can be purchased at the bookstore. The packet also contains flash cards.
Online Homework: This type of homework is only used in my Hybrid Chem 122 class.
Additional Supplies: Students must also purchase a lab book, a lab coat, goggles, and a non-graphing calculator.
There are five unit exams during the semester in addition to a final exam which determine 70% to 80% of the course grade. The remaining 20%-30% of the grade is based on a student’s scores on online homework and quizzes. Chem 122 students get one grade (lecture + lab).
Homework policy
Assignments related to a unit submitted after the unit exam will not be accepted.
Attendance policy
Lab-attendance is mandatory. Students are expected to attend labs as scheduled in the section for which they are registered. In Chem 122, students who miss more than 2 lab periods will receive a grade of F for the course. Because safety issues are often covered at the beginning of the laboratory session, students may not be admitted to the laboratory if they are late.
Lecture attendance is not mandatory. However, it has been well documented that when students miss class their grades suffer. Students who miss quizzes will not have the opportunity to make them up.
I hold five office hours per week and am often available outside of these times for students who wish to make appointments. I usually respond to email or phone messages the same day they are received, but I may take up to 24 hours to respond, especially on weekends.