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Instructors have provided the following information to generally describe what to expect in their classes.


Class format

Class format is face-to-face sections but some material will be available online.

Teaching style

Lecture and demonstrations are designed to follow a structured path with the use of lecture packets. Students are expected to be engaged in the material that is being discussed each day. Previous days material should be appraised before class time, any questions should be addressed at the beginning of the lecture. Once new material fundamentals of a topic have been presented, in-class practice is done with the use of Socratic questioning to show mastery of material.

Resource use

Required text book(s):

  • Timberlake, General, Organic and Biological Chemistry: Pearson Benjamin Cummings
  • Lab Manual for Principles of Chemistry - Chem 122
  • “Pink Book” Principles of Chemistry Abstracts and Learning Goals and Problem Sets
  • Sapling Learning Online Homework
  • Recommended: Organic Model Kit for Organic Chemistry, Allyn and Bacon

Supplies: Safety goggles, lab coat required; calculator.

Computer literacy expectations: For some sections of this course, students will need basic word processing and Internet skills for the completion of some papers, exercises and projects.

Assessment tests/quizzes/other:

Chemistry is a science requiring the application of problem-solving techniques to a wide variety of different situations. Students must be able to demonstrate a mastery of the vocabulary, theories, and processes of chemistry. In addition, they must be able to demonstrate an ability to apply abstract and real logic through both verbal and mathematical communication skills to the analysis and solution of selected problems.

Evaluation of student mastery of course competencies will be accomplished using the following methods:

      Tests: (75%)

           Five Unit Exams (all equal in value)
           Cumulative Final (equal in value to two unit exams, 50% covering Unit VI)
           Announced and unannounced quizzes (5-15%)

      Labs: (20%)

           Weekly Lab Reports 10%
           Two Lab Tests 10%
           Projects 5%

Grade Scale: 100-90% = A; 89-80% = B; 79-70% = C; 69-60%=D; 59% or lower = F

Testing policy

  1. Students must have cell phones turned off during an exam.

  2. Students are normally required to take all examinations on the day and at the time scheduled.

  3. If you have prior knowledge of an absence and the exam is ready, arrangements may be made to take an exam up to 24 hours earlier than the time scheduled for your class. Under no circumstances will an exam be given earlier than 24 hours before the regularly scheduled time for your class.

  4. Makeup examinations may be taken up to 24 hours following the scheduled time for your class to take the examination. There will be no makeups after Saturday for a Friday exam or after Thanksgiving or Spring Break. Makeups will depend upon the Testing Center being open.

  5. If a student is unable to take a test at the regularly scheduled time or as listed in 2 or 3 above, the final examination will determine the grade for a missed examination as follows:

    The final exam is sectionalized. Each section corresponds to material covered by one of the unit examinations during the semester. The section which represents material covered by the missed exam will be used to determine the score on the missed exam as well as being a part of the final.

    For instance, if the student missed Examination #3 and the final examination Section 3 consisted of 20 questions, the grade for the examination would be determined as follows: On Section 3 the student got 16 out of the 20 questions correct. In order to determine the score on the missed examination, 16 out of 20 represents 80%. Eighty percent then would be the score for the examination which was missed during the regular semester.

  6. Students may not decide that the final examination will determine a unit test grade. Once a student has seen the unit test, the performance on the test will be recorded as the unit test grade.

  7. For those students unable to attend the regularly scheduled Lab Test with their section, they will need to contact the instructor and arrange to make up the Lab Test with another section during the same week. The Lab Tests cannot be made up after the week they are scheduled.

  8. Generally, you are expected to take no more than one test in the Testing Center. In the Testing Center, you are still allowed only 50 minutes. If for some reason you should take more than 50 minutes, your grade will be reduced by a factor.

    For example, if you take one hour and 10 minutes (70 minutes) and you score 89%, the score is multiplied by 50/70 to give you a score of 64%.

Please note the time you enter. In case of disagreements, the Testing Center time will be considered correct.

Homework policy

Independent studying is required for the learner. This independent studying is guided with the direction of the lecture notes, textbook (required), supplemental problems (“pink book”) and laboratory manual. If in class, you are expected to participate in the understanding of the material, both in answering questions and asking questions. 

Also Sapling Learning online homework

Attendance policy

Students are normally expected to be present and participate in scheduled class periods; there is no opportunity to make up missed labs. Attendance is an essential part of lab. Students are expected to attend labs as scheduled in the section for which they are registered. Students who miss more than 2 weeks of lab may receive an F for the course at the instructor's discretion.

Quizzes cannot be made up. With respect to tests, refer to the testing polices.


Office: SCI 224 E

Office hours: All instructors may be reached by appointment or as posted.