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Instructors have provided the following information to generally describe what to expect in their classes.


Class format

Face-to-face sections

Lecture: Class is a mix of lecture and discussions. Asking questions and open conversation about the material are highly encouraged.

Lab: Lab classes have approximately 20 minutes of lecture on the background of what we will study and to introduce the experiment. The rest of the class involves active learning as students perform experiments and collect data. We have 3-4 field trips each semester.

Resource use

Textbooks The lecture is linked closely with the textbook. The textbook is an essential tool to help understand the material. The lab has a manual that should be brought to every class.

Online homework Online assignments will be used throughout the semester. Review sheets are also posted online. Both lecture and lab will require regular use of the course webpage.


Lecture: 2-3 homework assignments, 6-10 quizzes, a class project and 4-5 tests make up the overall grade (weighted grades: 70% tests, 25% homework/quizzes, 5% class project).

Lab: Usually one homework assignment each week and participation points (40% of grade). There are two tests, a midterm and final (60% of grade).

Homework policy

All homework due dates are announced early in the semester. Late assignments have a 30% deduction and are not accepted more than 2 weeks after the assignment’s due date.

Attendance policy

Lecture: While attendance is not directly graded, higher scores are significantly linked with attendance. A small attendance bonus is possible at the end of the semester.

Lab: Attendance is essential. Participation points are awarded in some labs.


Email is the best way to contact me. I am on campus every MWF. I’m happy to schedule time to meet with my students.