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Instructors have provided the following information to generally describe what to expect in their classes.


Class format

Face-to-face sections (BIOL 121) will include lecture, student participation, student presentations and exams. The teaching methodology is very interactive between students and instructor. Real-world examples are used to illustrate concepts. Familiarity with Desire2Learn (D2L) is essential.

TV Course (BIOL 124): This class will not meet face-to-face and all interactions will be via email or telephone. The lessons will be on TV stations but a more prudent way is for students will borrow DVDs from the library and watch them at their leisure. Familiarity with Desire2Learn (D2L) is essential.

Resource use

Textbooks are essential for both BIOL 121 and BIOL 124. In addition, BIOL 124 will also include a study guide which corresponds to the TV lessons.

Online homework: Both classes will require online homework and have deadlines.


BIOL 121: Assessment will include online quizzes, in-class exams, presentation and a paper.

BIOL 124: Assessment will include online quizzes, exams to be taken in the Testing Center, papers, online discussion posts, etc.

Homework policy

Late work is not accepted.

Attendance policy

Points are not offered for attendance but any absence will make it that much harder to learn and assimilate the material. Biology has numerous terms and concepts that may be unfamiliar to a student and coming to class will help with the understanding.


I will be available before or after class for the face-to-face class. For the TV course all communications is via email. I will provide my cellphone number and you can text or call.