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- Paul Rupp
Instructors have provided the following information to generally describe what to expect in their classes.
Class format
Face-to-face sections:
Anatomy & Physiology (BIOL 144) integrates the lecture and laboratory into the same class period. The class will typically begin with a lecture over the material for the day followed by lab work done mainly in small groups. The lab portion involves experiments, microcopy, and mostly working with models. Testing is on-campus for all sections and includes written tests and lab practicals. Homework assignments for all sections are online.
Resource use
The textbook and lab manual are used extensively.
Online homework uses McGraw-Hill Connect website (mcgrawhillconnect.com). An access code is required.
Outside of class students can use Open Anatomy Lab and SRC for studying.
Grades will be determined as specifically outlined in the course syllabus. In general though, 80% of the course grade will be determined by exams and the remaining 20% by laboratory and homework assignments. Exams will be administered in two parts, a written (MCQs) test and a fill in the blank lab practical based on labeled/tagged models.
Homework policy
Late homework is not accepted.
Attendance policy
Exams are based on material covered in class and lab. Attendance is highly recommended.
Email or by appointment.