'The Lost Treasure' Presented by StoneLion Puppet Theatre
March 2, 2022 - March 3, 2022 | Yardley Hall
Past Event
Evening show: 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 2, 2022 | Evening show starting at $9
Arts Ed school shows: 10 a.m. and 1 p.m., Thursday, March 3, 2022 | School shows starting at $5
Follow giant puppets, Nathan Ready and a Quetzal bird, as they spelunk into a mysterious cave in search of ancient Aztec treasure. Along the way, you’ll encounter spotted salamanders, turkey vultures, bats and more. And you might just learn a thing or two!
For nearly 30 years, StoneLion Puppet Theatre has presented entertaining and thought-provoking arts experiences to families and, using puppetry, suggested real-world actions on how to lessen our impact on the planet and make our community a better place to live.
StoneLion is on a mission to reach those who do not have funds or ready access to the arts by annually providing more than 100 free performances and workshops at Title 1 schools in the area and venues across the country. They’ve also performed at significant area events such as the Big Picnic at The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, TEDxKC and WaterFire. In 2015, StoneLion co-created, with Mattie Rhodes Art Center, Kansas City’s only Day of the Dead/Calacas light-up parade.
StoneLion is involved in a groundbreaking National Geographic Society-funded project to educate the public about single-use plastic. The project films puppets scuba diving 60 feet deep into the Red Sea, something no one has ever done before. The company also is a U.S. State Department-funded Arts Envoy with past work in Israel, Ukraine, Vietnam, Laos and Fiji. And they’re on the Kansas City Young Audiences, Missouri Arts Council and Mid-America Arts Alliance Touring Rosters.