Eclipse Trio

Winterlude – Eclipse Trio featuring Poet Glenn North

January 23, 2022 | Polsky Theatre

Past Event

Mixing elements of jazz, funk, rhythm and blues and gospel, Eclipse takes listeners on a contemporary R&B auditory journey unlike any other.

Kansas City jazz greats share their smooth, contemporary and innovative sound.

The Kansas City-based Eclipse Trio is known for taking standards and well-known rhythm and blues and giving them new and inventive treatments. The performance features Everett Freeman on vocals and piano, DeAndré Manning on bass and Michael Warren on drums.

Eclipse members have a combined 75 years in the music business, performing for audiences and teaching the art of music making and music history to young artists across the globe. Each Eclipse member has a catalog of recorded music as leaders and side men for national and international artists.

Glenn North is an award-winning poet, activist, educator and arts executive based in Kansas City. He is executive director at the Bruce A. Watkins Cultural Center and previously served at the American Jazz Museum and Black Archives of Kansas City/Mid-America. North earned his master’s degree from the University of Missouri-Kansas City with his thesis, “Pro-Black Prosody." He also conducts workshops on ekphrastic poetry, how to use poetry to address social justice issues, and self-empowerment for disenfranchised students through reflective poetry.

Supported in part by Peter Goulet.