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Instructors have provided the following information to generally describe what to expect in their classes.


Teaching style
Students learn best in a mutually supportive, student centered classroom environment characterized by respect, positive attitudes, and encouragement.

I work to identify and target every learning style in my teaching. 

Homework, participation and attendance
Faithful attendance is essential to learning. Attentive, active, and enthusiastic participation in class is important. Absences for legitimate reasons may be excused but  work missed is not excused

A computer is necessary to do the "connect" and "lab" exercises.

Tests and quizzes
Assessment of student mastery of course competencies:

  • 3-7 exams - 70% of your grade
  • Individual projects or homework - 10%
  • Classroom participation and performance - 20%

Background and other interests
B.A. in Russian and an M.A. in Spanish, with many years of teaching experience.

I have traveled in many countries. The main Spanish speaking countries have been Spain and Mexico.